Monday, November 19, 2007

The Innkeeper

In our stories of Christmas and in most of the plays the innkeeper is often portrayed as a bad man, callously sending a pregnant young woman to the back of the inn. But can we really say that for sure? Couldn't he be the one man kind enough to let a couple into his already overflowing place? Couldn't he and his wife...
...rise up early, stay up late,
To help the pilgrims go and come,
And when the place was full, to some
Especially the poorest, they would say,
"We're sorry there's no room, but stay
Now if you like out back. There's lots
Of hay and we have extra cots
That you can use...

...says a poem describing the innkeeper in a different light. Read the all the stanzas of the tale here:
The Innkeeper

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